Nedbank Iban Number

Nedbank Iban Number


  • Security – As a Nedbank accountholder you can safely and reliably make payments to someone abroad or receive money from someone abroad.
  • Convenience – The transfer of international funds will be paid directly into your Nedbank bank account. Simply supply the bank details, account number and your account name to the sender. If you are the sender, funds are paid out directly from your Nedbank account.
  • Ease of payments – With SWIFT transfer you can easily pay for goods you bought from another country.You can also send money to individuals or organisations located in another country.
Be sure to fill in your SWIFT application form clearly and submit the necessary documentation to avoid delays

How to receive and send SWIFT payments

How to receive payment

Step 1

As soon as Nedbank receives your funds, you will be notified.

Step 2

You will be asked to provide the purpose of these funds before funds are released into your
Nedbank account. (as prescribed by the South African Reserve Bank)

Note: Our SWIFT address is NEDSZAJJ

How to send payments

Step 1

You can download  a form online or get one at your Nedbank Forex branch.

Step 2

Fill in the form and take it to your Nedbank Forex branch for the transaction to be completed.

Additional information

  • You must be an existing Nedbank account holder for Nedbank to process Swift transfers to you.

Fees 2018 – Receiving SWIFT payments

Amounts over R2 000,00
Minimum chargeR163.00
Maximum chargeR780.00
Amounts under R2 000,00
Pension paymentsR54.00
Payment search (minimum)R222.00

Fees 2018 – Sending SWIFT payments

Minimum chargeR169.00
Maximum chargeR818.00
Communication feeR112.00
Incorrect instructions (excluding foreign charges)R250.00 + foreign bank charges