Medical Insurance

Health insurance is a product that can help pay for the cost of your treatment as a private hospital patient, or for out-of-hospital healthcare services. Medicare covers 75% of your Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) fee for treatment as a private patient, while health insurance covers 25%. The amount that insurance covers for out-of-hospital treatment will vary per policy.

Types of Medical Insurance

Private hospital cover 

Private hospital cover helps you pay the cost of in-hospital treatment. It can cover anything from surgical procedures to childbirth.

Health insurance extras 

Extras cover helps pay for out-of-hospital medical care. For example, it may pay for a new pair of glasses, or a physiotherapist appointment.

Hospital & extras combined 

A combined health insurance policy includes hospital & extras cover. It can subsidise a wide range of your expenses both in and out of hospital.

Dental insurance 

Getting covered for dental treatment is crucial for many Australians, as the expense can quickly grow if you require major orthodontic work. Luckily, many health insurance policies cover the cost of major and minor dental work.

Physiotherapy cover 

Physiotherapy consultations and treatment plans can assist with recovery from an injury. When you need this kind of support, health insurance can help subsidise these costs.

Lifestyle program benefits 

An extras policy helps pay for important health services that many Australians rely on every day; such as nutritionist consultations, skin cancer screenings and even gym memberships.

List of Notable Medical Insurance Companies

  • Metropolitan Company.
  • Sanlam Company.
  • Old Mutual Company.
  • Discovery Life Company.
  • Liberty Life.
  • Momentum Life.