Victoria University Of Wellington Law Review

Founded in 1953 by Professor Robert McGechan, the Victoria University of Wellington Law Review is the oldest university Law Review in New Zealand. It has a proud history of being a major publisher of significant legal articles of relevance not only to New Zealand, or our Pacific region, but also internationally.

The University’s Law Review publishes four issues a year, a total of some 800 pages of quality research by international scholars, members of this faculty and our colleagues elsewhere in New Zealand, distinguished visitors and the Faculty’s own students.

Law Review submissions

The Victoria University of Wellington Law Review is happy to receive submissions from international and domestic authors. Academic articles are subject to an academic refereeing process.

The Law Review publishes both general issues, containing articles on diverse subjects, and special issues with particular themes.

The Law Review also publishes longer works in its monograph series, and sponsors symposia to promote scholarship on important issues.

The Law Review is, true to Professor McGechan’s original vision, run by both Faculty and students. Faculty are responsible for the overall quality of the Review and its general administration. The Editorial Committee organises and oversees the refereeing process.

The team of student editors is guided by the Student Editor-in-Chief.

The Managing Editor is responsible for overall management and production.

The Law Review have guidelines on submitting.

Articles may be submitted to:

Victoria University of Wellington Law Review
Faculty of Law
Victoria University of Wellington
PO Box 600
New Zealand

Email: [email protected]@newsafran

Law Review subscription information

Subscriptions are payable in advance, at the following rates:

New Zealand NZ$150 (incl GST) 
Australia: NZ$180
Elsewhere: NZ$200

Back issues are available for NZ$50 (incl GST and postage) per issue.

To order in New Zealand and the rest of the world (except North America) contact:

Victoria University of Wellington Law Review
Faculty of Law
Victoria University of Wellington 
PO Box 600 
New Zealand

Phone: +64 4 463 6366 
Fax: +64 4 463 6365
Email: [email protected]

When using the order and pay online option please make sure you enter an email address so that a receipt may be issued.

To order and pay online

To order in North America (available in hard copies and microform) contact:

Gaunt Inc 
Gaunt Building 
3011 Gulf Drive 
Holmes Beach 
Florida 34217-2199, USA.

Phone +1 941 778 5211 
Fax +1 941 778 5252

Victoria University of Wellington Law Review back issues

To request copies of past issues of Victoria University of Wellington Law Review please contact [email protected] or you can use the order and pay online link above.

Other availability

As well as being available in hard-copy, full text versions of the journal are available on the following databases:

NB: You will need a subscription to access most of these.