University Of Otago Web Kiosk

The Web Kiosk allows an approver to delegate the approval of requests to another person or position for a short period of time, or permanently (using end date 31/12/2049).

You can delegate the request types (e.g. Leave and Additional Hours) to the same position, or requests can be delegated separately.

Steps for delegating approvals:

1. Select ‘Approval delegation‘ from the Approvals menu under My Approvals

2. Click ‘Add new Approval Delegation record

3. Select the approval type. Choose ‘ALL‘ to delegate approval requests for leave and extra hours/overtime

  • Select ALL, if you wish to delegate approval requests for leave, extra hours/overtime. This does not include online timesheet.
  • Select Web Timesheets, if you wish to delegate online timesheet approvals only.
  • Select Web Leave Bookings, if you which to delegate leave booking approvals only.

4. Click the dropdown arrow to search for and select the Position Number or Person ID (employee number) that you want the requests to be delegated to.

The first field may be labelled ‘Delegated Position Number’ or ‘Delegated Person ID’ depending upon the approvals setup. Use person ID if you are delegating timesheet approval access.

5. Insert the delegation date range, ensure the ‘Only Apply Delegation for’ drop down list is blank as above, and click ‘insert

7. Click ‘Update

8. Delegation records will now appear under the initial screen and can be changed by clicking on ‘Edit’

9. Delegation history records can be viewed by clicking on ‘Approval History

Staff Web Kiosk

The Web Kiosk is the key link between staff and Payroll Services. You can book your leave, view your pay slips and submit timesheets through the Web Kiosk.

How do I get to the Web Kiosk?

  1. Follow this link to the Staff Web Kiosk and login with your university credentials
  2. Alternatively you can also, go to the University home page, select the For Otago Staff flyout menu and choose Staff Web Kiosk and login with your university credentials

If you have forgotten your password, please contact the ITS Helpdesk on ext 8888 or 03 479 8888. They will ask you some questions to authenticate who they are speaking with and reset your password if required.

Using the Web Kiosk

The Web kiosk provides access to information from the HR/Payroll system to employees who need it. Information can be added, updated and viewed quickly and easily.

Individual Information: You can access your own personal, employment and payroll information, check leave balances and apply for leave, extra hours, change bank account and enter emergency contact etc.

Team management: Team leaders can access a list of staff for whom they are responsible. They can enquire on leave balances, approve leave bookings and view position information for their team etc.

Approvals: Provides the ability to approve leave and timesheet requests prior to payment being made.

Timesheet entry issue

The copy line above button in the timesheet entry screen is used to insert a new line and copy the details from the line above.

There is an issue with the copy line above button, if you are using Internet Explorer. If you click on ‘C’ to create additional lines you may experience the following issues.

  • Timesheets created by copy line above will not be saved.
  • The date look up (calendar control) will not function correctly.
  • Copy line above ‘C’ will not function correctly.

To avoid this error, please use Firefox or Safari when you are entering timesheets.

We will notify you as soon as this issue is resolved.

Compatibility issue

If you are accessing the Web Kiosk using Internet Explorer compatibility mode, you are likely to receive the following error message:

How to prevent this error

You can prevent this message from displaying by changing your compatibility settings:

1) In your Internet Explorer window, select Tools from the menu near the top of the window (if you are unable to see the menu, press the Alt key on the keyboard).

2) From the Tools menu, select Compatibility View settings

3) In the Compatibility View Settings box, ensure:

  • is not included as Websites you’ve added to Compatibility View (if it is listed, select it and click “Remove”
  • none of the tickboxes at the bottom are selected.

4) Close the Compatibility View Settings box and restart Internet Explorer

You should now be able to use the Web Kiosk in Internet Explorer without receiving this error message.