The Department of Wine, Food and Molecular Biosciences is responsible for delivery of the Bachelor of Viticulture and Oenology, the Bachelor of Science (Food Science) and teaching for other related courses.
The Department’s specialist areas cover:
• Animal and plant science
• Biochemistry
• Food science
• Horticulture
• Microbiology
• Sensory science
• Viticulture and wine science.
Staff are actively involved in teaching, at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, and involved in a wide range of research projects.
Examples of departmental research include:
• Animal, plant breeding and genetics (molecular and quantitative) to confer resistance to disease caused by pathogens
• Content and availability of bioactive compounds
• Detection of environmental toxicants using biosensors
• Industrial fermentation, microbial stress responses, practices for safe food production, health beneficial microbes
• Influence of environmental stressors on animal and plant health (microbial infections, UV damage in plants, temperature stress in dairy cattle and poultry)
• Innovative technologies in juice and wine processing
• Meat quality
• Pest and disease management
• Sensory theory
• Vineyard practice and effects on grape quality (especially for Pinot Noir)
• Use of computer simulation to predict biological and physical phenomena
Department of Wine, Food and Molecular Biosciences
The Centre for Viticulture and Oenology aims at developing expertise and research synergies through an interdisciplinary approach to viticulture and wine-orientated research in New Zealand.