Rand Merchant Bank Executives

Rand Merchant Bank Executives

Executives of Rand Merchant Bank works efficiently for the banks well being and also helps to make sure all customers are well served. Below is a list of some Executives of the bank.

Key Executives For Rand Merchant Bank

NameBoard RelationshipsTitleAge
James FormbyNo RelationshipsChief Executive Officer
Derek Neil Prout-Jones BCom, BAcc, CA(SA)9 RelationshipsChief Financial Officer and Director55
L-P Collet5 RelationshipsChief Operating Officer and Director
Ketan Manecklal Gordhan10RelationshipsExecutive Director56
Peter Hayward-Butt BSc, MScNo RelationshipsCo-Head of Investment Banking46

Rand Merchant Bank Board Members

NameBoard RelationshipsPrimary CompanyAge
Derek Neil Prout-Jones BCom, BAcc, CA(SA)9 RelationshipsRand Merchant Bank55
L-P Collet5 RelationshipsRand Merchant Bank
Ketan Manecklal Gordhan10RelationshipsRand Merchant Bank56
Peter Gent5 RelationshipsRand Merchant Bank
Zelda Roscherr BSc (Maths), BCom (Hons)5 RelationshipsRand Merchant Bank51

Rand Merchant Bank Executive Committees

Committee NameChairpersonBoard RelationshipsMembers
There is no committee data available.