Rand Merchant Bank Executives
Executives of Rand Merchant Bank works efficiently for the banks well being and also helps to make sure all customers are well served. Below is a list of some Executives of the bank.
Key Executives For Rand Merchant Bank
Name | Board Relationships | Title | Age |
James Formby | No Relationships | Chief Executive Officer | — |
Derek Neil Prout-Jones BCom, BAcc, CA(SA) | 9 Relationships | Chief Financial Officer and Director | 55 |
L-P Collet | 5 Relationships | Chief Operating Officer and Director | — |
Ketan Manecklal Gordhan | 10Relationships | Executive Director | 56 |
Peter Hayward-Butt BSc, MSc | No Relationships | Co-Head of Investment Banking | 46 |
Rand Merchant Bank Board Members
Name | Board Relationships | Primary Company | Age |
Derek Neil Prout-Jones BCom, BAcc, CA(SA) | 9 Relationships | Rand Merchant Bank | 55 |
L-P Collet | 5 Relationships | Rand Merchant Bank | — |
Ketan Manecklal Gordhan | 10Relationships | Rand Merchant Bank | 56 |
Peter Gent | 5 Relationships | Rand Merchant Bank | — |
Zelda Roscherr BSc (Maths), BCom (Hons) | 5 Relationships | Rand Merchant Bank | 51 |
Rand Merchant Bank Executive Committees
Committee Name | Chairperson | Board Relationships | Members |
There is no committee data available. |