Albaraka Bank

Al Baraka Bank Ntn Number

Al Baraka Bank Ntn Number

Albaraka Bank National Tax number , status of company,company registration number,registered office address etc, are listed below. Read through and note them down.

Status of CompanyESC
Company Registration Number0049105
National Tax Number2554922-7
Registered Office AddressAl Baraka House, 162 Bangalore Town, Main Shahra e Faisal, Karachi
Registered Telephone Number021-34315851
Name of Auditor of the CompanyErnst & Young Ford Rhodes Sidat Hyder, Chartered Accountants
Name of legal advisorMr. Irshad Ahmed Panhwer
Membership(s):Pakistan Banking AssociationThe Lahore Chamber of Commerce & IndustryOverseas Investors Chamber of Commerce & Industry