Capitec Bank C-Connect
Below is the information about the Capitec Bank C-Connect.
We know you are all eager to get started with C.Connect so we’d like to give you a reminder of the register process.
First – please ensure you are connected to the Internet.
Step 1) Please check your cellphone for the message we previously sent you containing your C.Connect username*
Step 2) Please go to and click on the ‘register’ button below the login box.
Step 3) You will then be taken to the register page where you will be asked to fill in your username.
Step 4) Once you’ve put in your username you will be taken to the registration verification page – where you will be asked to verify your cell number.
Step 5) Once you have verified that your cell number is correct you will sent a password via sms.
Step 6) Please use this password along with your username to log into C.Connect
After this you will be prompted to change your password – please do so at this point – please remember/write down your password.
Remember – every time you login you’ll need to use this same password and username – much like when accessing Facebook or your email account.
You should now be ready to start interacting on C.Connect – enjoy 🙂
*If you have not yet been sent your password please contact [email protected] to request that your password is sent to you.