Kate Kearins Auckland University Of Technology

Kate began her career teaching in catholic primary schools in New Zealand and has twice spent time teaching at tertiary level in France. With masters degrees in French and in Management, her PhD loosely combines the two disciplines. In 2003, she took up the position as Professor of Management at AUT, and has had roles as Head of the Management Department, Director of Postgraduate Programmes, Associate Dean Research, and Deputy Dean. In July 2017, Kate was appointed Pro Vice Chancellor and Dean in the Faculty of Business, Economics and Law.

Research interests include both a critique of current business efforts toward sustainability and a celebration of what is possible. Kate has written a series of papers on business education for sustainability. Kate’s service record includes terms on the Marsden Social Sciences Panel, the Fulbright Awards Panel and the Business and Economics Panel for the 2012 PBRF assessment and the PBRF Sector Reference Group from 2014-2016. She sat on the Board of Governors for the US-based Academy of Management from 2011-2014 and was President of the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management in 2016. Kate writes a column ‘Managing for a Better World’ for Management magazine.

Professor Kate Kearins

PVC and Dean of Business, Economic and Law

Email: [email protected]

ORCID:  https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1729-3375


  • PhD, University of Waikato
  • Postgraduate Diploma Management, University of Waikato
  • Master of Management Studies, University of Waikato
  • Master of Arts (Hons), Massey University
  • Bachelor of Education, University of Waikato

Research interests:

Management and organisation
Business and sustainability
Social and environmental entrepreneurship
Education for sustainability

Professional activities:

Appointment, affiliation, and membership

  • Board Member, Te Kupenga: The Catholic Leadership Institute (2019 – ongoing)
  • Member, Champions for Change (2017 – ongoing)

Editorship, reviewing, examining, and judging

  • Membert, Organization and Environment (2009 – ongoing)
  • Member, Journal of Management Education (2007 – ongoing)

Research outputs:

Journal articles

  • Schaefer, K., Kearins, K., & Corner, P. D. (2020). How social entrepreneurs’ inner realities shape value creation. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship. doi:10.1080/19420676.2020.1753800
  • Tregidga, H., Kearins, K., & Collins, E. (2019). Towards transparency? Analysing the sustainability governance practices of ethical certification. Social and Environmental Accountability Journal39(1), 26 pages. doi:10.1080/0969160X.2019.1568276
  • Tregidga, H., Milne, M., & Kearins, K. (2018). Ramping up resistance: Corporate sustainable development and academic research. Business and Society57(2). doi:10.1177/0007650315611459
  • Corner, P. C., & Kearins, K. (2018). Scaling-up social enterprises: The effects of geographic context. Journal of Management and Organization. doi:10.1017/jmo.2018.38
  • Luke, B., Kearins, K., & Verreynne, M. -L. (2017). ‘Pushing the boundaries’ versus identifying the boundaries: An institutional perspective on NPM principles.Australian Accounting Review27(3). doi:10.1111/auar.12142
  • Abeydeera, S., Kearins, K., & Tregidga, H. (2016). Does Buddhism enable a different sustainability ethic at work?. Journal of Corporate Citizenship2016(62). doi:10.9774/GLEAF.4700.2016.ju.00013
  • Abeydeera, S., Kearins, K., & Tregidga, H. (2016). Buddhism, sustainability and organizational practices: Fertile ground?. Journal of Corporate Citizenship2016(61). doi:10.9774/GLEAF.4700.2016.ma.00005
  • Abeydeera, S., Tregidga, H., & Kearins, K. (2016). Sustainability reporting – more global than local?. Meditari Accountancy Research24(4). doi:10.1108/MEDAR-09-2015-0063
  • Collins, E., Kearins, K., Tregidga, H., & Bowden, S. (2016). Selling all good: How small new entrants can compete. The Case Journal12(3). doi:10.1108/TCJ-01-2016-0008
  • Byrch, C., Milne, M., Morgan, R., & Kearins, K. (2015). Seeds of hope? Exploring business actors’ diverse understandings of sustainable development. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal28(5). doi:10.1108/AAAJ-08-2013-1438
  • Kearins, K. N., Tregidga, H., & Collins, E. (2015). Case study: Miranda Brown Limited and the passion to make fashion sustainable. Journal of Corporate Citizenship,2015(57). doi:10.9774/GLEAF.4700.2015.ma.00009
  • Schaefer, K., Corner, P. D., & Kearins, K. (2015). Social, environmental, and sustainable entrepreneurship research. What is needed for sustainability-as-flourishing?.Organization and Environment28(4). doi:10.1177/1086026615621111
  • Tregidga, H., Milne, M., & Kearins, K. (2014). (Re)presenting ‘sustainable organizations’. Accounting, Organizations and Society39(6). doi:10.1016/j.aos.2013.10.006
  • Tregidga, H., Kearins, K. N., & Milne, M. (2013). The politics of knowing “organizational sustainable development”. Organization and Environment26(1). doi:10.1177/1086026612474957
  • Luke, B., & Kearins, K. (2012). Attribution of words versus attribution of responsibilities: Academic plagiarism and university practice. Organization19(6). doi:10.1177/1350508412448857